Open Wav SoundsWav File Menu

3rdtheme.wav - 2001 Theme - 136k
complete.wav - Hal "Im completely operational..." - 92k
iamahal.wav - Hal "Im a Hal 9000..." - 112k

aladdin1.wav - Shalom, and good evening to you fine friends." - 49k
bozo.wav - Sheeeze! Where'd ya dig this bozo up? - 25k
genie1.wav - Genie "10,000 years will give ya..." - 175k
wonder2.wav - Who disturbs my slumber? - 34k

allset.wav - Porky Pig "I'm all set your heroship sir!" - 89k
bullwink.wav - Bullwinkle "Hello all you out there in TV Land" - 15k
dafmstpc.wav - Daffy Duck "My Masterpiece" - 223k
dafsong2.wav - Daffy Duck - Humorous Song - 80k
disinteg.wav - Daffy Duck - Disintegrator Gun - 364k
duckdod.wav - Daffy Duck "Duck Dodgers and the 24.5 century" - 596k
duckerth.wav - Daffy Duck "This planet claimed in the name..." - 278k
dudleydo.wav - Dudley Dooright Theme - 85k
fltyab2.wav - Fred Flintstone "Yabba Dabba Doooo!" - 53k
fltyabba.wav - Flintstones theme with Yabba Dabba Doo - 198k
justpasn.wav - Just pass'in by - 374k
know.wav - Rocky "Here he is.. Mr. Knowitall" - 55k
letmeat.wav - Bugs Bunny "Lemme at him...." - 138k
loocadet.wav - Daffy Duck "Are you ready, eager young space cadet?" - 52k
looney.wav - Looney Tunes Theme - 649k
marvin2.wav - Marvin Martian "Oh goody, we're on!" - 16k
mepublic.wav - Bugs Bunny "Ahhh, Me Public" - 78k
mightymo.wav - Mighty Mouse "Here I am to save the day" - 19k
open.wav - Open Sesame - 446k
r&bknow2.wav - Bullwinkle "Hello there! I am Mr. Knowitall!" - 48k
hey.wav - Ren and Stimpy: Hey! It Works! - 42k
rocky.wav - Rocky "And now heres something we hope youll really like" - 27k
spidman.wav - Spiderman Theme - 650k
sportsmn.wav - Elmer Fudd singing "A hunting we will go..." - 193k
toone.wav - Looney Tunes Theme #2 - 234k
videoscr.wav - Daffy Duck "I'll see what the little stinker is up to..." - 234k
warnerin.wav - Warner Cartoons Intro - 457k
warntada.wav - Tada! (Warners bros style) - 174k

14money.wav - Elvis "One for the money..." - 116k
bd-plant.wav - Led Zeppelin (Blackdog) "Hey Hey Mama.." - 71k
blackdog.wav - Larger clip of Blackdog - 197k
bend.wav - Creedence Clearwater Revival song? - 111k
layla1.wav - Eric Clapton - Layla - 184k
ndfight.wav - Notre Dame Fight Song - 318k
thisaint.wav - Talking Heads "This aint no party, this aint no disco.." - 146k

beamup.wav - Transporter - 40k
computer.wav - Picard "Computer, Status report" - 29k
energize.wav - Picard "Energize" - 14k
engage.wav - Picard "Engage!" - 13k
holodeck.wav - Holodeck "Program complete, enter when ready" - 78k
magnify.wav - Data "Magnifying viewer image" - 31k
mainthm1.wav - STTNG Theme clip - 95k
makeitso.wav - Picard "Make It So" - 14k
materia2.wav - Sound of person materializing (transporter) - 141k
maxaccel.wav - Picard "...prepare for Maximum Acceleration" - 60k
onscreen.wav - Picard "On Screen" - 26k
prepare.wav - Riker "All stations, prepare for reconnection" - 45k
proceed.wav - Picard "Proceed" - 11k
q.wav - Q Materializes - 79k
scotty1.wav - Scotty "Engineering to Capt Kirk, ready when you are sir" - 66k
sttng-th.wav - STTNG Theme (complete) - 842k
toboldly.wav - Picard "Space.. the final frontier" (STTNG Intro) - 278k
turbolft.wav - Turbolift - 66k
welcome.wav - Picard "Welcome Aboard" - 16k
working.wav - Computer "Working... affirmative" - 51k
youare.wav - Spock "You are wise Captain" - 12k

ajedi.wav - Yoda "A jedi uses the force, for knowledge and events" - 155k
asuwish.wav - Vader "As you wish" - 15k
badfeel.wav - Leia "I have a bad feeling about this" - 92k
bidding.wav - Vader "What is they bidding, my Master?" - 109k
comeback.wav - Vader "You should not have come back" - 46k
eyesopen.wav - Han Solo "Keep your eyes open, huh?" - 71k
fiteratk.wav - Fighter Attach Theme - 191k
force.wav - ObiWan "Remember the force will be with you.... always" - 51k
iamc3po.wav - C3PO "Hello Sir, I am C3PO human cyborg relations" - 149k
litesabr.wav - Light Saber charging up - 120k
maintitl.wav - Main Theme Clip - 219k
mfalcon1.wav - Millenium Falcon flyby - 357k
mustlern.wav - ObiWan "You must learn the ways of the force" - 44k
waiting.wav - Vader "I've been waiting for you ObiWan" - 53k
yesmastr.wav - Vader "Yes my master" - 60k

20th_cen.wav - 20th Century Fox Intro (Mono) - 137k
alive.wav - She's Alive! Alive!!! - 34k
applause.wav - Applause #1 - 67k
applaus2.wav - Applause #2 - 38k
applaus3.wav - Applause #3 - 27k
b2fhome.wav - Hello, Is there anybody home? - 55k
batmob.wav - The Bat Mobile - 92k
battheme.wav - The Batman Theme - 105k
bontheme.wav - Bonanza Theme - 70k
dragnet2.wav - Dragnet Theme - 165k
engine.wav - Starting Engine - 21k
excellnt.wav - Excellent! - 29k
excuseme.wav - Excuse me, while I whip this out! - 44k
feature.wav - And Now our Feature Presentation - 299k
goodmorn.wav - Good Morning Vietnam - 80k
goodmrng.wav - Good Morning (female) - 18k
gtsmrt.wav - Get Smart Theme Song - 164k
hello.wav - Hello - 9k
hi(1).wav - Hi! - 16k
hibabe.wav - Helllloo Baby! - 36k
hibaby.wav - Helllloo Baby! - 24k
hithere(.wav - Hi There - 10k
huntfo.wav - To day we sail into infamy - 47k
hyd.wav - How ya doin? - 11k
indi.wav - Indiana Jones theme - 80k
intelchm.wav - Intel Chimes - 46k
jamesbro.wav - Hey! I feel Good! - 83k
jrasic1.wav - Jurassic Park Theme - 153k
lab.wav - Come up to the Lab, and see whats on the slab - 58k
mission2.wav - Mission Impossible Theme - 185k
mnf.wav - Monday Night Football Intro - 485k
mr-ed.wav - Hello I'm Mr. Ed - 47k
ohbaby.wav - Oh! Baby! - 105k
ppvintro.wav - Pay Per View Intro - 522k
rooster.wav - Cock a doodle doo! - 44k
show-you.wav - Let me show you something! - 30k
start.wav - Sexy Female "Im ready for action" - 38.5k
startup2.wav - Mechanical Female "Initiating Startup sequence" - 41k
10Commnd.wav - Mel Brooks - The 10 Commandments - 81k
thrshold.wav - Steve Miller - Threshhold - 725k
thx.wav - The THX sound - 324k
tranq1.wav - Tranquilty base here, the eagle has landed. - 33k
tranq.wav - Longer clip of "tranq1.wav" - 71k
wakecall.wav - Female sexy voice "This is your wakeup call" - 28k
watch.wav - Female voice "Watch where you put those hands!" - 64k
welcomef.wav - Female voice "Welcome" - 17.5k
welcomem.wav - Male voice "Welcome" - 13k
womenhtr.wav - Lil Rascals "We're he-man women haters..." - 428k
yourang2.wav - Addams Family (butler) "You Rang?" - 23k

wg2.wav - Shall we play a game? - 31k
wg7b.wav - How about a nice game of chess? - 49k