Variety 7Years.wav - 7 Years of college down the drain! - 37k 911.wav - Somebody call 911! - 74k Ahhhhh.wav - Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! - 19k Animal3.wav - Holy SHxx!!!! (WARNING! - Expletive not removed) - 47k B2fhome.wav - Hello! Is there anybody home? - 55k Badbang.wav - Shotgun going off - 8k Bang.wav - Explosion - 24k Boing.wav - Boing! - 7k Boing(2).wav - BBoing! - 8k Bomb.wav - Bomb - 8k Bonewah.wav - Horn instrument - 43k Brkglass.wav - Breaking Glass - 53k Brkglss2.wav - Breaking Glass #2 - 35k Busyfone.wav - Telephone Busy signal - 29k Cantdoth.wav Sorry Captain, but I cant do that! - 21k Cantgup.wav - I've fallen and I can't get up! - 17k Clunk.wav - Wierd clunk sound! - 23k Copwhisl.wav - Cop's whistle - 22k Crash.wav - Car Crash - 32k Curly(1).wav - Curly - A frustrated "hhhmmmmm" - 23k Curly-wo.wav - Curly - Wooo Wooo Wooo Wooo - 21k Dangerda.wav - Danger! Danger! - 11k Dishescr.wav - Dishes crashing - 121k Down.wav - Falling down, crashing, and breaking sound- 50k Error.wav - Computer Errorlike beep - 3k Explos1.wav - Explosion - 14k Gameover.wav - Game Over Man! - 13k George.wav - George of the jungle, swinging on his vine - 26k Glass1.wav - Glass breaking - 10k Guitwail.wav - Electric Guitar Wailing - 19k Help! - Help! - 17k Hf-piece.wav - Your heading for a breakdown.. pull yourself to pieces - 52k Imeant.wav - I meant to do that - 10k Irritate.wav - This is start'n to irritate me! - 29k Istherea.wav - Is there a problem officer? - 31k Loser - Loser like horn sound - 43k Obnowhs.wav - You lose whistle - 9k Ouch2.wav - Ouch! - 5k Police.wav - Police car siren - 3k Policewh.wav - Police whistle - 28k Psycho.wav - Psycho shower music - 23k Sc1input.wav - Need Input! - 54k Sc1malf.wav - Malfunction! - 26k Show-you.wav - Let me show you something! - 30k Sports.wav - What in the wide wide world of sports is'a goin on here? - 60k Uh-oh-.wav - Uh oh! - 18k Waaaah.wav - Waaaaaahhh haah haah! - 20k Whip.wav - A whip cracking - 7k |