dsconect.wav - Hal "...you and frank were planning to disconnect me" - 68k
bugsbye.wav - Bugs Bunny "Weellllllll Goodbye!" - 85k
dafballn.wav - Daffy "Uhoh, shes got that ole Ball n chain look..." - 152k
daffcall.wav - Daffy "Leave your name with my secretary..." - 36k
daffgadd.wav - Daffy "Gad! How do I do it!" - 22k
daffywhy.wav - Daffy "Why did ya do it?" - 64k
dafparty.wav - Daffy "What a party brother! I never had so much fun..." - 32k
dafsolng.wav - Daffy "Welp, So long!" - 100k
despicbl.wav - Daffy "Your Despicable!" - 24k
disinteg.wav - Daffy - Disintegrating Pistol - 364k
getout.wav - Bugs Bunny "I better get out of here..." - 56k
laststrw.wav - Daffy "Thats the last straw! Now I..." - 379k
r&bwhere.wav - Rocky "Where ya goin Mr. Knowitall?" - 35k
tazsnd.wav - Taz whirlwind sound - 52k
looall.wav - Porky Pig "Tha tha tha that's all folks!" - 31k
thatsall.wav - Porky Pig "Tha tha tha that's all folks!" and music... - 36k
thatall2.wav - Porky Pig "That's all folks!" - 31k
wiseguy.wav - Bugs Bunny "Hey what are you anyway? A wiseguy?" - 71k
bbgetout.wav - Bugs Bunny "Get me outta here!!!!" - 23k
bbsuitsf.wav - Bugs Bunny "Suit yourself Doc!" - 14k
and-now.wav - And now for something, completely different - 16k
had_enou.wav - Oohh, had enough eh? - 16k
iesus.wav - Monks chanting - 189k
monty4.wav - Help! Help! Im being repressed! - 21k
violence.wav - Now we see the violence inherent in the system - 24k
aww.wav - Bart "Awwwwwwww" - 17k
damned.wav - Bart "Well.. your damned if ya do, and damned if ya dont" - 33k
awh_man.wav - Bart "Awwww man" - 10k
dismisse.wav - Picard "Dismissed" - 15k
freezpgm.wav - Geordie "Computer! Freeze Program" - 59k
freezpg2.wav - Geordie "Freeze Program" - 33k
itsgone.wav - Worf "Its gone now" - 21k
plesthm2.wav - Theme clip - 126k
powrdown.wav - Riker "Power down and disengage" - 32k
shutdow2.wav - Data "Computer, Execute complete shutdown" - 55k
shutdwn.wav - Data "...Execute complete shutdown of the holodeck" - 79k
disengag.wav - Picard "Prepare to disengage the interface" - 17k
resist.wav - Picard/Locutis "Resistance is futile" - 31k
Star Wars
afraid.wav - C3PO "Sir, im almost afraid to ask, but ..." - 176k
closedwn.wav - C3PO "Sir, if youll not be needing me,..." - 55k
deactive.wav - C3PO "Please dont deactivate me" - 31k
dontwory.wav - Luke "Dont worry R2, were going, were going!" - 107k
goodcare.wav - C3PO "Do take good care of yourself" - 57k
7years.wav - 7 Years of college down the drain - 37k
aaaaagh.wav - Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhh! (as if falling)- 63k
adios.wav - Adios - 14k
ahhhhh.wav - Aaaahh Aaaahh Aaaaahhhhhh!!- 19k
applause.wav - Applause #1 - 67k
applaus2.wav - Applause #2 - 38k
applaus3.wav - Applause #3 - 27k
bang.wav - Bang! - 24k
beback.wav - Arnold "I'll be back" - 10k
bomb.wav - Bomb - 8k
bonewah.wav - Wah Wah sound - 43k
brkglass.wav - Broken Glass #1 - 53k
brkglss2.wav - Broken Glass #2 - 35k
clunk.wav - Clunk - 23k
crash.wav - Car Crash - 32k
excellnt.wav - Excellent! - 29k
explos1.wav - Explosion - 14k
gameover.wav - Game Over man! - 13k
gb1millr.wav - Its Miller Time! - 22k
gohome.wav - Female "Time to go home now!" - 13k
gonna.wav - Gonna do what??? - 22k
heck.wav - Get the heck out of here - 13k
i-quit.wav - I QUIT! - 27k
itsbeen.wav - Female "Its been fun working with you" - 37k
mkmydy.wav - Clint "Go ahead, Make my day" - 34k
pickin.wav - Banjo pickin - 46k
shotgun.wav - Shotgun - 5k
shutdown.wav - Mechanical Female "Initiating Shutdown Sequence"
simmelt.wav - Mechanical Female "15 Seconds to core meltdown"
tg-eject.wav - Eject! Eject! Eject! - 28k
vista.wav - Arnold "Hasta La Vista.. baby" - 28k
waaaah.wav - Waaaaaaaahhhhh - 20k
wozgoin.wav - Wicked Witch "Going so soon?" - 32k
xylobass.wav - Xylophone riff - 25k
zoom.wav - Wierd sound effect - 41k
zyxel.wav - This disk will self-destruct in 5 seconds
batdevil.wav - The Joker "Tell me something friend, every danced.." - 120k